Club Member Wins 

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BPISS CAN CH. / RBIS UKC CH. Shenoki's Just For Kicks
BPISS CAN CH. / RBIS UKC CH. Shenoki's Just For Kicks
Viewed: 3418 times.

Ch. Jeikridge's Fawn Duchess BPIS, UKC Champion and BIS, BIMSS (Best in Molosser Speciality Show), BPIMSS (Best Puppy in Molosser Speciality Show)wins Best Puppy in Show. Owner Wendy Shoebridge.
Ch. Jeikridge's Fawn Duchess BPIS, UKC Champion and BIS, BIMSS (Best in Molosser Speciality Show), BPIMSS (Best Puppy in Molosser Speciality Show)wins Best Puppy in Show. Owner Wendy Shoebridge.
Viewed: 3325 times.

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